Friday 10 October 2014

Pre-production of my maze game

When I make my maze game, I will need to consider what I need to buy for its development. If I don’t have enough money to buy the things I need I could make a Kick-starter so that people who are interested in the game can donate money to see that the game is created, in exchange for exclusive gear both in-game and real life. The software I will use to make the game will be “GameMaker”, this is free and available for me to download and use. I might also use Photoshop to create sprite and background. If I was to buy it at home it would cost me a lot of money, so I would need to make sure I can afford it if necessary. I will be making the game at home and I will not require any facilities to develop it. I will be making this game alone so I won’t be hiring anyone to help me, but if I did I would need to advertise the job or ask friends if they can help. I might use music or artwork for my game so I’ll ask some people I know who can help me for free but if I didn't, I could use royalty-free music and sounds and buy the artwork online.

Time Constraints
As I am making this game at home for myself and not someone else, I will not need to worry about deadlines. I won’t have anyone working for me so their availability isn't an important factor. Knowing how long the music and artwork will take to do will be important for completing the development in a good time. I might need to buy a drawing tablet if I want to draw the artwork myself, instead of my friends, or a microphone if I want to include voice-overs or narration in my game.

If I was to make a bigger game, I would need to decide how many people to hire for the job and how much money to pay them. I would also need to hire the right people for the job such as programmers, artists and sound designers and make sure that I don’t go over-budget. Luckily, I’ll be making this game on my own so won’t cost me anything.

FacilitiesI won’t need to hire any facilities but if I did I would need to look into the possibility of a music studio for music and/or sounds. If I was to make a large game that I’d sell, I might consider hiring a place that has motion sensing technology so that the game can look very realistic. Hiring these facilities will cost money, so I will need to make sure that I can afford them if I choose to use them.

When I start developing the game, I will need to consider if I need anything from other people such as artwork, sounds/music etc. To get this I can either buy artwork online or ask for it from friends. If I was to get artwork or sound/music it would save me having to do it and allow me to focus on other areas of the development and get the game made quicker.

I won’t need anyone contributing to my game as I feel there will be no need and it will be too expensive, but if I was making a larger game I might consider asking someone famous to star in my game to help boost sales or just someone with talent.

If I wanted my game to be set in a real-life city, I would need to know exactly what it looked like so that the player can tell where they are. In my game I will loosely base the location on New York city, so I will need to look up New York city online or physically go there. Looking the place up online will be the easiest and quickest way to know what it looks like and because it’s loosely based on real-life, it doesn't need to be point-for-point accurate. If I was to make my game visually realistic, it would be helpful to go to New York on reconnaissance and see the landmarks and buildings. If I wanted character interactions to be realistic aswell, I could learn how people speak and act towards each other in that location.

Codes of Practice
Before I start developing my game, I will need to consider the target audience that I'm aiming my game at. If I choose to make a game for children that includes violence and swearing, and try to sell it then PEGI or ESRB have the power to either change the rating or cancel the game. When I make my game, it will be aimed somewhere around the age of 3 years old as my game will not include any bad content. In the development of my game, I will need to also need to consider copyright on anything I use. If I choose to use a sprite or background from a game that already exists, I could get sued or even have the game cancelled. So I need to make sure that the content I use is either made by me, my friends (with their permission) or royalty-free.

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